5. jun. 2018  Düsseldorf / Germany

Schwarzkopf calls for applications for its Million Chances Award in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

Schwarzkopf launches its Million Chances Award

The Schwarzkopf Million Chances Award kicks off on June 5, 2018: The award is dedicated to charitable initiatives and projects in Germany, Austria and Switzerland that support girls and women and cater to their different needs. The jury will honor winners in three award categories and a fourth winner will be selected through a public voting. Each award includes a prize money of 10,000 Euro.

Taking care of girls and women and their problems, increasing their self-confidence and giving them perspectives for the future – that is what the Schwarzkopf Million Chances initiative stands for. Since 2016 Schwarzkopf supports female empowerment projects worldwide, autonomously and in cooperation with independent organizations such as Plan International Deutschland e.V. in Columbia, Egypt and China or with the social enterprise Plastic Bank in Haiti.

“When girls talk about their dreams they are often told ‘you don’t have a chance’”, says Marie-Ève Schröder, Corporate Senior Vice President International Marketing at Henkel Beauty Care. “We want to support projects and initiatives with our award, so that girls and women get the chance to lead a self-determined life!”

June: Kick off for the Schwarzkopf Million Chances Award

From June 5, 2018 everyone can apply for the Schwarzkopf Million Chances Award with their project: Charitable initiatives and projects that are based in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, supporting girls and women locally or worldwide in the field of health, education, economic emancipation, their rights and integration. Furthermore, it is possible to suggest initiatives for the award. The jury honors initiatives in three award categories: Projects within the category “Build up” support young girls. “Move up“ initiatives help teenagers and young women entering the professional world and projects within the category “Start up“ empower women to make a new start in their professional or personal life. An additional winner will be selected through a public voting. Each of the four winning projects receives a prize money of 10,000 Euro, supported by the Fritz Henkel Foundation.

Kick off for the Million Chances Award: June 5th 2018

Submission deadline: August 19 2018
Public voting: September 3 until 30, 2018
Announcement of the four winning projects: October 18, 2018

Top-class Jury:

Members of the Jury are:

  • Nora-Vanessa Wohlert, founder of Edition F
  • Dr. Katarzyrna Mol-Wolf, editor and managing director emotion magazine
  • Maike Röttger, managing director Plan International Deutschland e.V.
  • Eva Padberg, model and actress
  • Dr. Marlena Robin-Winn, founder of Norddeutsches Knochenmark- und Stammzellenspender-Register NKR
  • Heiko Held, Manager Corporate Citizenship at Henkel
  • Marie-Ève Schröder, Corporate Senior Vice President International Marketing at Henkel Beauty Care.

You can find more information about the terms and conditions, the application deadline and the public voting here www.schwarzkopf.de/de/highlights/award.html